Do you have a student or students that need constant reminders about appropriate voice volume in the classroom? Don’t worry.. I hear you… (no pun intended!) We all have had those students!
Well, what if I told you I have an easy way to teach voice levels that is at no prep to you! It all starts with the explicit teaching through a SOCIAL STORY and visuals. Grab these free voice chart visuals below to get started now!
Voice levels can be tricky for some of our students. They need intentional teaching and practice to fully grasp and understand the concept of voice levels.
This visual sorting activity lays out the different voice level volumes and gives specific examples to match each level! Easy to teach and easy to understand… WIN WIN!

After reading the social story about voice levels, follow up independent activities are included. This is super helpful for students to practice their understanding.

I hope you found these voice level charts helpful and a sweet little free treat! Don’t forget to grab the full product with social story and activities HERE!