Classroom reward systems can be a game changer, but can also be a “pinterest fail” if not set up correctly. These systems have to include student buy-in and motivate them to want to work towards their targeted behavior goals or classroom expectations. I want to share with you how I set up my Behavior Bills Reward System and how it was successful in changing problem behavior. Who doesn’t love to be rewarded for good things? I know I sure love it when my paycheck hits my account every month or I treat myself to a fabulous dessert. So let’s jump into how to set up a reward system that WORKS!
First and foremost, students have to have a clear understanding of behavior expectations. These behavior or classroom expectations have to be taught and re-taught just like any skill or academic subject. We can not expect students to follow the rules or expectations if they do not have a clear understanding first. These visual posters of behavior expectations include “I will” statements to set a positive tone and encourage students that they CAN! Formulate discussion around each behavior expectation and allow for conversation. You can also use these behavior expectation sorts for independent practice and a way to assess understanding.
Once students have a full understanding of behavior expectations your can introduce the behavior bills reward system. Getting students excited about different rewards they can earn and discussing different ways to earn behavior bills throughout the school day. There is a list included or also a editable list if you have specific ways for a student or your class to earn behavior bills. You can also highlight or color in if a student is working on specific behavior goals as a visual reminder.
Introducing the store and teaching classroom norms for shopping is super important. This can be done in whatever way works best for you and your classroom, but students need to know what to expect. Will you have certain shopping days? Will you allow students to cash-in behavior bills at any time? There is no right or wrong answer, it just needs to be what works best for you and your classroom management system.
I had my store set up and there were specific shopping hours and days posted. I however allowed students to cash-in bills any morning. The cash-in option is for different rewards that didn’t require “shopping.” My behavior bills store hours were on Wednesdays at 2:30 and Fridays at 2:30. I found a mid-week shopping time and end of the week shopping time worked best for my classroom. The Wednesday shopping day helped for some students to not have to wait till then end of the week. One year, I had a pretty hard class and I opened up the store everyday at the end of the day to encourage and motivate them more to earn bills. Again, it is whatever works best for you and don’t be afraid to change or tweak how you run your behavior bills store!
Once all the shopping norms and housekeeping was discussed and understood the system can begin. I would have students fill out goal sheets weekly to set goals for themselves and their behavior. It also serves as an additional way to keep up with how many bills they have earned.
Every student has a wallet which is a fancy baggie with a fun wallet image with their name. They are also responsible for a banking sheet. This allows them ownership in keeping up with their behavior bills and also practices math skills.
If you are setting up more of an individual behavior bills system for a student it is helpful to tie in a behavior chart. This is a visual reminder for the student and staff on what the student is working on and helps to motivate positive behavior.
There is always discussion on if students can loose bills when they are experiencing problem behavior. I never implemented loosing bills personally because I wanted this system to be only focused on the POSITIVE. I adopted other ways in my classroom and with students to address problem behavior.
I hope you found this helpful and cannot wait to hear how you use this system in your classroom. Leave a comment below and share how this system is working for you!