Teaching children how to play nicely with others is a common social skill that needs to be frequently addressed. As educators we will say things like, “be kind” or “treat others the way you want to be treated”, however we need to explicitly teach these skills. We cannot expect for children to know these social skills without directly teaching them. That is where social stories can play and powerful and effective role in teaching social skills and appropriate behavior.
There are many benefits to using social stories, including:
✅Provides a clear and concise explanation of the appropriate behavior
✅Reduces stress and anxiety
✅Customizable to fit the needs of individual students
Once you understand the benefits of social stories, it’s essential to try and identify specific behaviors you want to target. If the student has multiple social challenges, consider the most critical behaviors for the student’s growth and development. Below are just a couple of titles of social stories I have written. They consist of clear and understandable language with visuals for students to relate to.
If you are needing social stories on other topics, feel free to check out my social story bundles and individual social stories!
Thank you so much for stopping by and please feel free to reach out to my at [email protected] if you are needing a specific social story topic!
Grab your FREE social story about playing nicely below! ENJOY!