Behavior Coupons: Behavior Reward System
Updated August 2022: Includes all new rewards and a reward system to use with behavior coupons!
Behavior coupons for students or whole class to earn for positive behavior. These behavior coupons provide students with motivating reward choices with little to no cost for the teacher.
Different Ways To Use Behavior Coupons
Option 1: Teacher establishes criteria to earn each reward. Fill in behavior coupon menu with criteria. For example, Teacher Assistant = 10 Tickets. Student or teacher chooses reward for student(s) to work towards. Once earned, student(s) receives coupon to redeem.
Option 2: Student works towards reward on coupon. Teacher establishes criteria to earn reward. Once earned, student receives coupon.
What is included:
Behavior Coupon Sign or Binder Cover
Behavior Coupon Menus: Title of behavior coupon with description and column to write in criteria to earn reward coupon
Behavior Tickets: Page of 24 behavior coupons for students to earn when showing positive behavior
36 Unique Behavior Coupons:
1. Stuffy Love: Bring a stuffed animal to school
2. Extra Recess: Extra time outside
3. Sticker Star: Pick a sticker from the teacher’s sticker stash
4. Free Time: Free draw, free write, or free play
5. Dance Party: Choose a song for a class dance party
6. Responsible Reader: Read a book to another class
7. Lunch Leader: Lead the line in the lunch room
8. Pen Pal: Choose a fun pen to write with all day
9. Chatty Chat: 5 minute talking break
10. VIP! Teacher Assistant: You are the teacher assistant for the day
11. Candy Crush: Pick one piece of candy from the jar
12. Lunch Bunch: Lunch with the teacher
13. Stinky Feet: No shoes in the classroom
14. Prize Box: Pick your prize from the classroom prize box
15. Teacher Helper: Help out another teacher or staff member
16. 15 Minutes of Fame: 15 minutes of technology of choice
17. V.I.C Very Important Chair: Sit in a special chair for the day
18. Show and Tell: Bring something special form home to show to the class
19. Snack Sack: Pick a snack from the snack sack
20. Brain Break Leader: Pick and lead a brain break
21. Shout-out: You got Mail! Positive email home
22. Shout-out: Ring! Ring! Positive phone call home
23. Shout-out: Take Note! Positive note home
24. Moving Day: Move your spot for the day
25. Class Captain: In charge of the classroom duties for the day: Door holder, lights, clean the whiteboard etc.
26. Kinder Helper: Help out in a kindergarten classroom for 30 minutes
27. Time Keeper: Change and monitor the classroom timer
28. Principal Pop In: Positive meeting with the principal
29. Class Crown: Wear out class crown and receive special privilege s for the day. Class crown can be made out of construction paper
30. Hallway Hero: Official hallway monitor and helper for the day
31. Two of a Kind: Sit by and work with a friend of choice for the day
32. Recess Ruler: All things recess. Be the teacher’s recess leader. Carry the equipment, lead a game, call the class in when its over
33. Water Filler: Special privilege to fill up the teacher’s water cup in the teacher’s lounge
34. Class Swap: Pick another classroom in your grade level to switch into for the day
35. Nacho Average Day: Chip and dip treat
36. Show Off: Stand up and show the class a talent or tell a funny joke
36 “You Earned” Behavior Coupons
1. Computer Time
2. iPad Time
3. Teacher Helper
4. Treasure Box
5. Special Chair
6. Bean Bag Time
7. Positive Phone Call Home
8. Positive Email
9. Positive Note Home
10. Reading Time
11. Lunch with Teacher
12. Snack of Choice
13. Candy of Choice
14. Free Draw
15. Free Time
16. Extra Recess (2 choices)
17. Lunch with Librarian
18. Line Leader
19. Special Toy
20. No Shoes (2 choices)
21. Lunch with Principal
22. Lunch with Coach
23. Homework pass (2 options)
24. Move Desk for the Day
25. Lunch Spot of Choice
26. Free Dress (2 options)
27. Chewing Gum
28. Hat for the Day (2 options)
29. Sticker of Choice ( 2 options)
30. Reward Ticket
Two Printing Options: Color Option and Ink Friendly Black & White Option
You can also grab this resource in my TPT Store.
You might also like:
Classroom Behavior Management Reward System: Behavior Bills
If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]
This purchase is for ONE classroom only.
This is a single classroom download, which means this product CANNOT be shared from teacher to teacher. If you are interested in sharing it with other classrooms, you can purchase additional licenses using the Teachers Pay Teachers tool located in your account under “My Purchases.”
Brooke Reagan
© Brooke Reagan 2019